Welcome to the Academy of Veterinary Ophthalmic Technicians! 

We were previously known as VOTS (Veterinary Ophthalmic Technician Society).  In August of 2016, NAVTA recognized our organization as an Academy.  We are able to provide advanced credentialing. Please see our AVOT Credentialing tab above for more information. 

We are a 501(c) (3) non profit organization.  Our mission is to advocate ocular health while advancing the knowledge and practice standards in the field of Ophthalmology.  The Academy operates under the guidance of NAVTA and ACVO to foster yearly continuing education, professional development, and networking with industry partners.  We hope that you find this website interesting and informative.

Veterinary Ophthalmic Technicians are Veterinary Technicians who have a special interest in Ophthalmology. They work with the Diplomates of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) in private practices, multi-specialty practices, and universities. They are crucial in the treatment of their patients helping to promote vision and ocular comfort with an overall goal of improving quality of life. They are a direct link from the veterinarians to pharmacies, ophthalmic supply companies, other veterinarians and veterinary staff, and potential or already established clients. They also assist their clients by sharing their skilled techniques and knowledge with the owners to encourage the best possible prognosis for their pet. Veterinary Ophthalmic Technicians have many other responsibilities including, but not limited to, assisting the veterinarians with ocular exams, performing and/or assisting with diagnostic testing (Schirmer Tear Testing, Tonometry, Ocular Ultrasounds, Electroretinogram testing, etc.), anesthesia, ophthalmic instrumentation and equipment care, and general veterinary technician duties (monitoring patient’s vitals, medication administration, pain management, phlebotomy, IV catheter placement, general patient care, inventory management, etc.) Due to the on-going advancements in veterinary ophthalmology, continuing education is essential for veterinary ophthalmic technicians as it is their responsibility to stay up to date on the newest innovations in the field.


We are a NAVTA recognized Academy.  In order to become a member you must go through the entire VTS credentialing submission process and have a passing score of the VTS Ophthalmology Examination.  Please see our credentialing tab for more information.

Annual Meeting

The Academy of Veterinary Ophthalmic Technicians (AVOT) hosts its annual meeting in collaboration with the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) as part of the ACVO Annual Conference. This meeting offers VTS (Ophthalmology) members and veterinary professionals an opportunity for advanced education, professional development, and collaboration within the field of veterinary ophthalmology.

Our Sponsors

 We would like to extend an extra special thanks to the following companies for providing sponsorship at our AVOT Annual CE Meetings.  Their continued support is what allows us to have the annual meeting and to continue to further our education.